Adobe Media Analytics
Adobe Media Analytics Cloud is a suite of integrated solutions designed to help businesses and organizations create, manage, deliver and optimize digital customer experiences across various channels, such as web, mobile, social media, email and more. With Adobe Media Analytics Cloud, businesses can gain deep insights into customer behavior and preferences, and use that information to create more engaging, personalized and effective experiences.
To learn more about how to send analytics to Adobe Media Analytics in Lura Player, check out Adobe Media Analytics Plugin
val luraConfiguration1 = LuraConfiguration(
plugins = LuraPluginsConfigurations(
adobeMediaAnalytics = AdobeMediaAnalyticsConfiguration(
enabled = true,
appId = "APP_ID",
contentInfo = AdobeContentInfo(
name = "NAME",
id = "ID",
length = 0.0,
streamType = "STREAM_TYPE",
mediaType = "MEDIA_TYPE"
metadata = mapOf(
"key" to "value"
playerView = findViewById(
player = LuraPlayer(context = this, playerView = playerView)