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Initialization Configuration

During initialization, parameters such as autoplay, volume, and muted attributes can be configured. However, it is also possible to modify the volume and muted attributes at a later time, as per requirements.

Autoplay Configuration

The implementation of autoplay attribute can be done in Lura Player using the following configuration.

autoplayBooleanAutoplay attribute of the player. Defaults to false
Autoplay Example
val luraConfiguration = LuraConfiguration(
controls = LuraControlsConfiguration(
autoplay = true

playerView = findViewById(
player = LuraPlayer(context = this, playerView = playerView)

Mute Configuration

The implementation of initially muted attribute can be done in Lura Player using the following configuration.

mutedBooleanWhether to start muted when the player autoplays. Defaults to false.
Mute Example
val luraConfiguration = LuraConfiguration(
controls = LuraControlsConfiguration(
muted = true

playerView = findViewById(
player = LuraPlayer(context = this, playerView = playerView)

Volume Configuration

The implementation of initial volume attribute can be done in Lura Player using the following configuration.

volumeDoubleInitial volume of the player between 0.0 and 1.0. Defaults to 1.0
Volume Example
val luraConfiguration = LuraConfiguration(
controls = LuraControlsConfiguration(
volume = 0.9

playerView = findViewById(
player = LuraPlayer(context = this, playerView = playerView)
Combined Example
val luraConfiguration = LuraConfiguration(
controls = LuraControlsConfiguration(
autoplay = true
enabled = true
muted = true
volume = 0.9

playerView = findViewById(
player = LuraPlayer(context = this, playerView = playerView)