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Measure Ad Viewability

Ad viewability is often measured by vendors or systems that are independent of the systems that serve and display ads. Access to the data that these measurement providers need could mean having code for multiple providers on one site or app.

Open Measurement SDK (OM SDK) offers common code and libraries for facilitating third-party access to measurement data.

Lura Player has an integrated plugin for Open Measurement SDK (OpenMeasurementPlugin) that can send measurement signals to the Open Measurement Interface Definition (OMID) API.

Measurement providers can place tags that collect these signals.

You can use the OpenMeasurementPlugin to verify your ad viewability.

To verify your ads with Open Measurement SDK, please insert the following into your VAST.

<Verification vendor="””">
<JavaScriptResource apiFramework="omid" browserOptional="”true”">
<Tracking event="verificationNotExecuted">
<![CDATA[verification params key value pairs]]>

For older versions of VAST (2.0, 3.0, 4.0), verification code should be loaded using the <Extensions> node

VAST4.0 and earlier
<Extension type="AdVerifications">
<Verification vendor="””">
<JavaScriptResource apiFramework="omid" browserOptional="true">
<Tracking event="verificationNotExecuted">
<![CDATA[verification params key value pairs]]>